In memory of our fallen soldiers of the war 1914 - 1918

Two horrible wars plunged our world into disaster. Also the Buchhorns were victims of hate, war, escape and expulsion. We remember them and all other victims of these dark times and hope that her death was not in vain and that all nations will come together to their graves and will promise hand in hand:

"Never again!"

Buchhorn, Adolf,
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 793 of 18. November 1918
???, 4. Kompanie
from: Neuendorf, Preußisch-Eylau, fallen
Buchhorn, Albert,
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 349 of 02. February 1915
???, II. Bataillon, 7. Kompanie
from: Kumkein, Preußisch-Eylau, fallen
Buchhorn, Albert Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 867 of 28. January 1916
Infantrie-Regiment Nr.23, 10. Kompanie
from: Königsberg, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Albert Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 973 of 12. May 1916
Infantrie-Regiment Nr.92, 1. Ersatzbatallion, 2. Kompanie
from: Looskeim, Gerdauen, wounded 14.09.1914
Buchhorn, Albert Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 991 of 25. May 1916
Infantrie-Regiment Nr.351, 2. Kompanie
from: Schmoditten, Preußisch-Eylau, in captivity
Buchhorn, Albert Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1195 of 07. October 1916
Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr.52, 7. Kompanie
from: Falkenau, Friedland, seriously wounded
Buchhorn, Albert,
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1903 of 18. May 1918
from: (26.8.) Almenhausen, Preußisch-Eylau, wounded
Buchhorn, Alfred Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 2090 of 06. September 1918
from: (23.04.) Dresden, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Anton Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1932 of 04. June 1918
from: (16.09.) Mehlsack, Braunsberg, fallen
Buchhorn, Arthur Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1757 of 24. December 1917
from: (18.03.) Ponarth, Königsberg, fallen
Buchhorn, Arthur Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1783 of 19. January 1918
from: (18.03.) Ponarth, Königsberg, fallen
Buchhorn, Bernhard
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 395 of 10. March 1915
IV. Batallion Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment No. 18, 15. Kompanie
died of his wounds in the Reserve Lazarett Stralsund on 23.02.15
Buchhorn, Bernhard
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 399 of 13. March 1915
IV. Bataillon Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment No. 18, 15. Kompanie
from: Mehlsack, Braunsberg, wounded
Buchhorn, Bernhard
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 529 of 10. June 1915
IV. Batallion Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment No. 18, 15. Kompanie
previously wounded reported, died Res. Laz. Stralsund 23.02.1915
Buchhorn, Bernhard Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1458 of 19. May 1917
from: (18.07.91) Königsberg i. Pr., seriously wounded, dead
Buchhorn, Bernhard Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1811 of 21. February 1918
from: (18.07.) Königsberg i. Pr., injured
Buchhorn, Bernhard Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 2348 of 28. February 1919
from: (18.07.91) Königsberg, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Carl Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1264 of 16. November 1916
Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 210, 7. Kompanie
from: Altona, missed
Buchhorn, Erich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 2014 of 22. Juli 1918
from: (21.7.) Blankenburg, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Erich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 671 of 06. September 1915
Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 151, II. Batallion, 7. Kompanie
from: Posen, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Erich
Leutnant d. Res.
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1005 of 08. June 1916
Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 225, 7. Kompanie
from: Breslau, fallen
Buchhorn, Ernst Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 727 of 11. October 1915
Kürassier-Regiment Nr. 7, 5. Esquadron
from: Cattenstedt, Blankenburg, missed
Buchhorn, Ernst Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 849 of 06. January 1916
Kürassier-Regiment Nr. 7, 5. Esquadron
from: Cattenstedt, Blankenburg, been missing, back to the troups
Buchhorn, Ernst
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 761 of 30. October 1915
Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 375, 10. Kompanie
from: Lyck, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Ernst
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1612 of 06. September 1917
from: (22.10.) Falkenau, Friedland, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Franz
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 303 of 06. January 1915
I. Batallion Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 18, 1. Kompanie
from: Alt-Pillau, Fischhausen, missed
Buchhorn, Franz Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 627 of 10. August 1915
I. Batallion Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 18, 1. Kompanie
from: Alt-Pillau, Fischhausen, been missing, was wounded, back to the troups
Buchhorn (not Buchorn),
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1917 of 27. May 1918
from: (08.09) Falkenau, Friedland, back from captivity
Buchhorn, Franz Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 596 of 20. July 1915
???, 3. Kompanie
from: Frohnertswalde, Wehlau, fallen
Buchhorn, Franz
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 377 of 25. February 1915
Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 148, 4. Kompanie
from: (05.03.) Mehlsack, Braunsberg, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Franz Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1643 of 26. September 1917
from: Mehlsack, Braunsberg, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 629 of 11. August 1915
Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 41, II. Batallion, 5. Kompanie
from: Waldhaus Sausgarten, Pr.-Eylau, seriously wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 832 of 15. December 1915
from: Waldhaus Sausgarten, Pr.-Eylau, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1655 of 04. October 1917
from: (08.09.) Waldhaus Sausgarten, Pr.-Eylau, felt: 10. September 1917
War cemetery: St. Etiennes-à-Arnes, Frankreich, Block 6, Grave 648
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1266 of 17. November 1917
Mobiles Ersatz(?) Batallion, 1. Kompanie
from: Blumskin, Pr. Eylau, wounded 25.11.1914
Friedrich Wilhelm
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 359 of 09. February 1915
I. Pionier-Batallion, 2. Feld-Kompanie
from: Honburg, fallen
Friedrich Wilhelm
felt: 22. February 1915
War cemetery: Consenvoye, Frankreich, Block 3, Grave 2117
Buchhorn, Friedrich
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 283 of 22. December 1914
III. Batallion, ???, 10. Kompanie
from: Schwanebeck, Aschersleben, missed
Buchhorn, Friedrich
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 172 of 04. November 1914
from: Lachweiler, O.-A. Oehringen, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1223 of 24. October 1916
Reserve-Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 15, 2. Kompanie
from: Frille, Minden i. W., wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1388 of 03. March 1917
from: (23.01.86) Gröningen, Oschersleben, seriously wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1970 of 25. June 1918
from: (23.01.86) Gröningen, Oschersleben, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Friedrich
felt: 29. April 1918.
War cemetery: Menen, Belgien, Block E, Grave 616
Buchhorn, Fritz
Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 164 of 01. November 1914
Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 98, Metz, I. Batallion, 1. Kompanie
from: Cattenstedt, district Blankenburg, slightly wounded
Fritz Gustav
Einjährig. Freiwilliger
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 144 of 25. October 1914
from: Kreuzberg, Preußen, wounded
Buchhorn, Fritz
Offz. Stellv.
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 971 of 11. May 1916
24. Infantrie-Regiment, 7. Kompanie
from: Kreuzberg, Preußen, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Fritz
Leutnant d. Res.
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 1354 of 26. January 1917
from: (08.08.89) Kreuzberg, Preußen, seriously wounded
Buchhorn, Fritz
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 765 of 02. November 1915
???, 7. Kompanie
from: Claussen, Pr.-Eylau, slightly wounded
Buchhorn, Fritz
Casualty lists of World War I:
Edition 1601 of 30. August 1917
from: (19.02.) Altona, died of his wounds 24. July 1917
War cemetery: Mont-St.-Rémy, Frankreich, Block 5, Grave 87
Buchhorn, Fritz Casualty lists of World War I: Edition 1979 of 29. June 1918
from: (06.10.) Lindstedt, Magdeburg, fallen

First name:    A - F    G - K    M - W    1939-1945

The casualty lists are shown at: Verein für Computergenealogie
181 entries about Buchhorn up to now. (21.09.2014)

If you have any further information or even pictures, it would be a pleasure for me to insert them here.

Wolfgang Buchhorn 21. September 2014