Links which are a huge help:

   The "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" maintains the largest free genealogical database in the world. Impossible not to find something.
No site in the German internet is more extensive, more informative and more exciting. A site that lives by its users.   
   Do you search for contacts to other researchers? A lot of research results and information.
Lots of information for genealogical research.   
   Did you arrive a dead end at your research? Post a query and get contact to other researchers.
Do you look for a place in the former German eastern territories? Ask the Kartenmeister. He knows them all.   
Would you like to know where other people are still living with your family name in Germany? GeoGen shows the name distribution in Germany.   
   There is hardly no family in Germany who is not complaining the loss of a family member in World War 1 and 2. The "Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V." (German War Grave Commission) cares for the graves of German soldiers. An extensive Database provides information.
Memorials are also a source for genealogical information. Purpose of this memorial project is to honour the dead, the missed and other victims and at the same time to preserve the inscriptions, to archivate the inscriptions and to make them accessible to the general public.   
   Do you have ancestros in Berlin? The database of the Central and State Librarytells you where they lived. All city directories between 1799 and 1943.
The worldwide most extensive link collection in the internet   Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
   Millions of people left their home to find their fortune in other countries. Until 1892 was castle Garden the first address in New York.
After Castle Garden was closed, was Ellis Island in the spotlight of immigrants into the United States.   

In the "Homeland" of Genealogy are uncountable internet sites about genealogy to find.


Wolfgang Buchhorn 17 December 2020

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